“Groundbreaking Step in Orthopedic Medicine in Africa Under the Supervision of Professor Johra Hadef”
The article published on the recommendations of the AJI represents a first in Africa in this field. Prof. Djohra Hadef is the project leader and the initiator of this initiative. This project brought together the participation of 12 African countries, as well as the expertise of several international specialists from other continents, after two years of intense work. Among the prominent experts involved, we highlight the valuable contribution of Prof. Slimani from Batna, who served as a methodologist. His expertise truly enriched this project.
See the link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10067-025-07334-x
Prof. Djohra HADEF
Associate Professor in Pediatrics at the Faculty of Medicine, Batna 2 University, Algeria
Head of the Pediatrics Department at the University Hospital Center of Batna, Algeria
Pediatric Rheumatologist, graduate of Paris-Descartes University, France
President of PRAG (Arab Pediatric Rheumatology Group)
Vice President of PAFLAR (Pediatric Society of the African League Against Rheumatism)
Member of the Board of Directors of the World Pediatric Musculoskeletal Working Group.